I hold an informal Ann Arbor Miles & Points meetup group (found here). We meet once a month, usually just to socialize over dinner. Last week, though, we were invited to our local Simon Mall to meet with Keela Wicker (Product Manager) and Matt Morarity (VP Product Development) from Simon corporate.
There had been rumors swirling that Simon would start selling money orders. I had hoped to learn the details last week. Unfortunately, the rumors were crushed. It’s not going to happen. We were told that Simon has no plans to sell money orders. Bummer.
The good news is that Simon likes us and wants to court us rather than send us away. They know that manufactured spending is legal and they believe that it is a great source of revenue for them. In fact, their standard training includes an overview of manufactured spending along with explicit instructions stating that it is legal and fine to sell gift cards to us. Their main frustration with this community is that many try to hide what they’re doing. Don’t. When filling out the form to buy gift cards, they want you to write in “ms” for manufactured spending as your intended use of the cards. Better yet, just circle it on the form. Only if you give some other reason for buying gift cards in bulk will they be suspicious of your purchases.
What if you have trouble using Simon gift cards?
Let Simon know. They want to help smooth out issues. The best way to let Simon know is to report the issues in the comments of this post.
Can I buy $1,000 gift cards?
No. Simon doesn’t sell gift cards loadable to $1,000 to consumers due to government regulations. $500 per card is the limit. But you can buy up to $25,000 worth per day. For full details see: Simon Mall gift card limit now $25K (previously $10K).
Can I register as a business?
No. Simon considers manufactured spending to be a consumer activity. Don’t try to register yourself as a business with Simon if you plan to manufacture spend. They’ll know what you’re doing and will shut you down.
Other Tips
- Please call ahead when buying lots of gift cards.
- If going to a different Simon Mall than usual, contact your local Simon Mall manager and ask them to contact the mall you are going to so that they know that you are a trusted customer.
Contact Simon Form
Let Simon know about gift card issues. For example, if you have problems draining Simon gift cards at a store where other types of gift cards work, let Simon know. To let them know, comment below.

[…] (and did when I went to write this post, so I included it). That’s because, since Simon is so welcoming of those wishing to increase credit card spend, I’ve been making a couple of trips per month on average to a Simon Mall. I then need to use […]
[…] Daily limits are presumably the same ($10K / day until you’ve established a big buying pattern, at which point regular buyers can buy as much as $25K in a day) […]
[…] Daily limits are presumably the same ($10K / day until you’ve established a big buying pattern, at which point regular buyers can buy as much as $25K in a day) […]
[…] Simom says (again) MS is great and they’re willing to help […]
[…] As noted above, I initially thought it might be too early to be sure that the end was here as Amex sometimes posts points more slowly than expected. However, the consistency of the reports leads me to believe that this likely done. If you’re MSing via Simon Malls, you should keep an eye out for comments indicating any change in the situation, but for the time being I would recommend not using an Amex for any Simon Mall purchases. This will obviously be massively disappointing for anyone who has purchased over the past month, especially since the limit was recently increased to $25K. […]
Which bank issues the Simon Mall VGCs? Are these PIN enabled Debit Cards?
Metabank. Yes the last four digits is the PIN
What I am wondering is how we are profitable to Simons. I always thought the Gift Card companies are the entities in all this that lose money due to the 2.4%+ in credit card fees with only ~1% coming from purchasing fees. How does Simons come out in the green with MSers?
I’m not sure how exactly they’re making money from us, but they’re confident that they are.
Your meetup link doesn’t work. Would love to join you guys
What happens when you try the link? It works for me, even in Incognito mode. Alternatively just go to meetup.com and search there for Ann Arbor area miles & points
Am I missing something?. A $500 vgc at SM has a $3.95 fee and from GCM a $5,95 fee. But I get 1% cb from the portal accessing GCM so my net cost is $.95.
larger shipping cost for GCM makes your net cost larger.
GCM offers free shipping under $2k. Drawback is needing to place multiple orders and sometimes waiting over a week for First Class Mail vs. instant gratification of sorts at Simon. But then no need to trek to a mall (especially helpful for those who don’t have a local one).
FYI: I’ve removed the “Contact Simon” form because people were using it for ordinary comments that would be better posted here in the comments. If you need to contact Simon about something private, please use the form on our Contact Us page: https://frequentmiler.com/contact-frequent-miler/
It really makes me wonder what some of these guys are doing. Unloading $5k a day is a royal pain. $25k!? I know there are things these people are doing that isn’t talked about that isn’t money orders. Hopefully I’ll figure it out before it’s dead.
[…] know shopping malls are hurting for business when…your local mall wants to help you manufacture spend smh again. I was going to say something but it appears blog reader ABC already […]
[…] Simon says (again) MS is great and they’re willing to help by Frequent Miler. No plans to sell money orders, probably for the best because I can’t see that lasting long if they did. […]
My local WM have been recently inundated by DBs who’ve bought Simon cards and found out that local WM refuse to accept them for MO purchases. Several have been caught attempting to show ‘legit’ cards and then swiping Simon gcs and have become belligerent when caught. I congratulate the CSMs when they ban these entitled jerks.
I’ll NEVER understand why some feel the need to be sneaky on a legal activity. I do absolutely everything Walmart asks of me, treat their employees with respect, and honestly tell them what I’m doing when asked. And they never give me issues due to it…….
Good for you I do the same thing .Most people don’t understand it’s not the cards it’s HOW TO FLIP THE CARDS . That’s gets u the Zillion points to use on Air and hotels .I love Walmart Fresh produce and Great prices and good deals on CP’s too .
Sounds like great news, but for us in the NYC area, there is no opportunity to liquidate these GCs through MOs. Unless one lives near a WM that allows bulk MO purchases, it would seem that purchasing a Simon GC for MSing is completely useless.