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Tag: Chase

a man wearing a mask and pointing at a laptop

Surprise Chase discoveries, good and bad, miles for taxes and more

This week at Frequent Miler, we looked at how you can pay the tax man while getting the best return for your spend, how...
a wallet with a credit card inside

Update: Chase says breach is fixed

This morning, we posted about a possible security breach at Chase bank (See: Potential Chase security breach: Don’t log in?). Chase has since confirmed the...
Dodging 5/24

Potential Chase security breach: Don’t log in?

Late last night / early this morning, Fly & Dine and Doctor of Credit as well as many people on Twitter have reported what could be a major...
Travel Companion Tickets

An unexpected path to the Companion Pass…

Let me start by saying that I really struggled with an appropriate title for this post. I know that some people will skim ahead...
Invalid request error occurred.

Card art gone wrong: Where is the name of my card?

Reading Greg's post this morning about the Marriott properties to book before the coming devaluation (See: Book these category 5 Marriott hotels before it’s too...
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Chase online payment deadline extended to 11:59pm Eastern

Chase has sent out an email advising cardholders that they have updated their system to extend the same-day online payment deadline to 11:59pm Eastern Time. Previously,...
a group of credit cards

Secret Marriott cards, and how to get them

Chase advertises two Marriott cards: Marriott Rewards Premier ($85 per year) and Marriott Rewards Premier Business ($99 per year). The cards vary in a...
Chase bonuses

EXPIRED: Chase Cash Bonuses: Checking ($300) & Savings ($200)

Chase have a couple of in-branch cash signup bonuses available until January 16, 2018. As they're for checking and savings accounts, they're not affected...
a living room with a couch and a table

The cost to MS a month in New York City

In my early 20's, I met up in New York City with Jeff, one of my father's good friends from his college days. Jeff...
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[EXPIRED] New Chase Offers: 1800Flowers brands, Etsy, Wayfair, more

Last night, Greg wrote about the varying results with gift card purchases to take advantage of Chase Offers (See: Chase Offers enforces gift card...
a man sitting at a desk with his head in his hands

Chase Financial Review: Results are in

Chase Financial Review is a stealthy process about which not much is known, but last Friday we published a post about it (See: Shop until...
a woman holding a lot of purses

Shop until you’re dropped: Chase Financial Review freezes account

Update: See Chase Financial Review: Results are in for the conclusion to this story. Recently, my wife opened a couple of new Chase credit cards; among...
a stack of luggage boxes

[EXPIRED] Chase Pay eBags promo: 2K Ultimate Rewards on $20+

Chase is out with another great offer for using Chase Pay: Spend $20+ at eBags, earn 2,000 Ultimate Rewards points. As is the case with the offer and...
a cartoon of a boy and a woman talking on a tin can phone

How soon can you refer others for Chase cards?

Recently, my wife opened a couple of new Chase cards -- including a Chase Marriott Rewards Premier card and a Chase Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards...

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