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Tag: Stephen’s 40k

The 15 year old grunger in me always wanted to be Rock Royalty

Days 11-14 Of Stephen’s 40k: Beating The Casino, D.C. Segway Tour, Art & All...

We left off day 10 of 40k To Far Away with me having to book a hostel-style Airbnb in Atlantic City. I'd planned to...
Me and one of the trolls

15 Reasons Stephen Should Win The #40kFaraway Challenge

So after 14 days of travel, my 40k To Far Away adventure finally came to an end last night. I might have technically traveled...
a map of the earth with red lines

How Stephen Toured Europe & Made It “Home” Again For 40K points & $400...

I'm still traveling for 40k To Far Away, but my journey is due to end in just a few hours. Greg and Nick have...
Little Tilde

Days 7-10 Of Stephen’s 40k: Trolls, Lots Of Flying & A Risk That Didn’t...

To get a recap on what came before days 7-10 of my 40k To Far Away trip, check out the following posts: Days 1-4...
St Paul's Cathedral, London

Days 5-6 Of Stephen’s 40k: Walking, Sightseeing, Walking, Family, Walking & Sleeping

My recap of days 1-4 of 40k To Far Away finished in Brussels, Belgium after a day of troll hunting in Boom. That wasn't...

How The 1st Flight Stephen Booked Affected The Rest Of His Trip

The eagle-eyed among you might have noticed that in the video graphic produced for 40k To Far Away, it said my first flight from...
Palacio de Cristal in El Retiro Park

Days 1-4 Of Stephen’s 40k: Not Much Sleep, Lots Of Sights, Troll Hunting &...

We're a week into 40k To Far Away but I'm only halfway through my trip. Even though I've not traveled as far as Greg...
Stephen's 40k To Far Away Backpack

Stephen’s #40kFaraway: Everything That’s In His Bag (& A Few Things That Aren’t)

Ever since we decided to do the 40k To Far Away challenge, I've been keeping a list of everything I need to remember to...

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