Simply Best Coupons has temporarily increased the payout rate for American Express business gift cards to 2% today only (June 5).
If you don’t already have a Simply Best Coupons account, you can find a signup link and many other cool things here.
- Do not use a promo code to reduce gift card fees or for free shipping since that will invalidate your cash back (the Premium Shipping Plan is fine, though).
- Do not buy denominations higher than $2,000 (see: $2K denomination limit on Amex gift card cash back). It is fine to load your cart with multiple $2K gift cards, just don’t buy any $3K cards.
- Do not pay with Citibank credit cards since they sometimes charge cash advance fees. Note: Recent evidence suggests that Citi cards may now be OK, but proceed with caution. Call Citi first to reduce your cash advance limit to below the amount you will pay for Amex gift cards.
Please see the The Complete Guide to Amex Gift Cards.
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This is my first time using simply best coupons; I made an order but don’t see the transaction in the “pending” section of my account in simply best coupons yet. Do you think something went wrong or does it take a while to update? I just made the order a half-hour ago.
It takes a while. Some portals can take weeks before showing pending
will they reject the order if you don’t have a business? I have a chase INK with my name as sole prop. will that work or do they need a ITIN etc…
It should work if you use your SSN as the tax ID. Or, better yet, get an EIN first:
Thanks for the heads up!