I’ve just heard from TopCashBack that beginning midnight Monday September 30th PDT, American Express Prepaid and Gift Cards will no longer be available for cash back through their site.
No word yet as to whether other cash back sites will follow suit. MrRebates and Ebates both currently offer 1% cash back. I’d guess that Amex is pulling out of the cash back rebate game entirely, but that’s just a guess at this point. We’ll see on Tuesday.
Links to cash back sites and numerous other rewards related sites can be found here.

Lemma: That’s terrific news! Thanks!
According to a post in the thread I linked above, Amex GC are coming back to BigCrumbs!
I wouldn’t get your hopes up too much, but someone on FlyerTalk linked this thread on the BigCrumbs forum which seems to indicate BC is in talks with Amex about the possible return of cash back on GC:
It’s been gone from BigCrumbs for awhile now, that isn’t new. It’s still listed on eBates and MrRebates but both links appear to be dead. So I think this is gone for good 🙁 This may have had to do with the administrative expense in dealing with claims and the difficulty enforcing the $500 limit, which is the reason they gave for dropping BC, so it might be back someday, but I’d be surprised as this was most likely unprofitable for Amex. So I guess there is an upside for those of us who own some Amex stock 😉
Gone…bye, bye. Not on big crumbs either. folks check other sites?
Still advertising 2% at the moment. I managed to get a couple orders in before midnight. It will be interesting to see if this really goes away.
Well, Midnight Sept 30 is here, and cash back is still there. Did you mean midnight, Oct. 1?
THEsocalledfan: Sorry about that. Yes, I meant end of day today (Sept 30th). I probably should have said 9pm EDT Sept 30.
@Steeler, No. Amex GCs are different.
Yes, you liquidate just like you would with a credit card. Answers may come faster if you put down the spoon. 😉
I am asking if there is a way to liquidate the cards. Similarly to cashing out visa and MasterCard gift cards with a pin to place onto a money order and deposit into your bank acct.
Steeler: Simpy put your name on it and most retailers won’t have a problem with you using it to buy VGC or VR. Looks like a credit card with your name on it other than the big “Gift” written on it.
Is there a way to cash out these AE cards?
I work for one of the “cashback malls” (though probably not one you’ve heard of) and the Linkshare affiliate is the one pulling the offer . . . all cashback malls are impacted by this as we got notice from AmEx as well
This is bad news! I might pull back on my MS without any cash back like this. I’m not really interested in paying 1% for my miles, but I very much enjoy getting paid for my miles currently.
Very sad news 🙁 First Chase GC dying less than a week ago and now this. Hoping eBates and MrRebates will still be a go. I don’t see anything in the terms on either site about the $500/card limit so that might be a bad sign. Apparently they don’t do business with BigCrumbs anymore because of the difficulty in enforcing that limit.