A few months ago we announced that we were looking to add a new writer to our blog. The ideal candidate would be enthusiastic about points and miles, be willing to work odd hours dictated by circumstance, have excellent writing skills & high attention to detail, and most of all be fun to work with. 70 people applied, and there were many fantastic candidates. Ultimately, we had to narrow the selection to just one, though, and we picked Tim Steinke.

As a team we interviewed a few top candidates over Zoom and we all agreed that Tim had just the right combination of points & miles knowledge, humor, and team-fit. Soon, on this blog, you’ll see Quick Deals authored by Tim. At first, Tim will work just 10 hours per week, but he will ramp up to 25 hours per week within a few months.
Here’s a bit about Tim, in his own words:
Ever since my first cross-country road trip as a teenager I’ve been obsessed with exploring the world. My first big journey with my wife was a 100 day round-the-world honeymoon, a trip in which I crashed the car and was stopped for speeding in every country that we visited (I think that I may still have an arrest warrant in New Zealand for an unpaid ticket, but we’ll keep that between us). Somehow, she wasn’t scared off and we’ve been uncovering every corner of the world we can ever since…although weirdly she won’t let me drive. After starting a career in the wine industry about a decade ago, I discovered the world of points and miles, thanks in no small part to “Obi Wan,” Greg The Frequent Miler himself. I’ve been captivated ever since, absolutely blown away by what’s been possible, the experiences we’ve had and how many terrific people we’ve met. We currently live in one of the few corners of Washington State where you can still MS Staples Visa Gift Cards at Safeway; we own a winery, ski after work and hike as much as our elderly knees will allow.
Please join me in welcoming Tim to the team!

Congrats to a fellow Tim! Mind if I ask which Safeway you MS VGC’s? Do you know if Meta, Vanilla, US Bank all work or just Meta? I also live in WA but occassionally head over to the Peninsula for hiking and what-not. May be worth a visit while over there if it isn’t too far out of the way.
Welcome Tim!!!
Welcome, Tim. Look forward to reading your posts. You’ve certainly signed up with the best!
The O.P legend continues to grow
Welcome, Tim! This is definitely the best miles and points blog, and you’re lucky to be joining them.
Welcome to the best points and travel blog in the business, Tim! Excited to hear you are originally from Nebraska, as that is where I live. I suppose a congrats on getting out of the midwest is also in order, seeing as the temperature was -10 here last night. Definitely need to use those points and miles to get myself somewhere warmer, fast!
HELLO TIM, welcome…..I am guessing we might shop at the same Safeway, Good luck
Welcome Tim and congratulations! I’ve been following these guys for years and have learned a ton. You couldn’t have joined a better team!
Thanks Dave, couldn’t agree more.
Welcome Tim!! So happy to see Frequent Miler expanding!!
Welcome Tim! Look forward to you coming with the team to Sioux Falls, SD to meet with the experts here. I know Greg is dying to come here for a visit!
Thanks! You’re right, Greg can’t stop talking about it. Hopefully soon…I’m from NE originally and Sioux Falls is a great city.
Welcome Tim. Congratulations.
Nice to see the blog growing. Congrats Tim and looking forward to your content !
Congrats! So happy for you! One of these days, I would love to attend a points workshop in Seattle!
Thanks Jared! From your mouth to Obi-Wan’s ears, it’s been too long!
Absolutely Jared, Tim and I were already referring to this offline.
I propose the Hyatt Regency Seattle as a site. Very nice Cat 4 Hyatt with a great club for meeting. Now if they would only restore full food and bev service in said club..! 🙂
Tim and other staff, 100% up for helping coordinate such an event if you’re interested.
Is round-the-world honeymoon for 3 months part of the requirement? Nick and Tim both did it.
Welcome Tim and look forward to your posts.