This morning I detailed how to maximize savings and rewards with eBates’ Birthday Week 15% cash back. See: eBates 15% Cash Back Extreme Stacking game plan.
In that post, I mentioned the possibility of stacking...
A few years ago Delta introduced an excellent new choice benefit for top tier Diamond members: 4 Global Upgrade Certificates that can be applied to almost any economy fare in order to upgrade to...
Valid through: 6/22/2016 American Express offers many different versions of their Platinum cards. They have their Business Platinum card, their consumer Platinum card, and a number of co-branded versions of the personal Platinum card. ...
Whether you need to meet minimum spend requirements for large credit card signup bonuses, or you want to collect a big-spend bonus, or you simply want to earn additional credit card rewards, you may...
Kickfurther is a platform that lets companies seek funding from the Kickfurther community by offering a return on investment (such as 8% profit in 10 months, for example). Technically, these offers aren’t really loans. ...
Many credit cards have terrific perks that make them worth keeping despite their annual fees. A couple of examples that come to mind are the IHG card’s annual free night certificate that can be...
Two unrelated deals appear to have died yesterday. In both cases I think it’s likely they’ll be back so I’m marking them “MIA” (Missing in Action) rather than dead.
Citi Premier 40K signup bonus gone
Yesterday Plastiq released the Plastiq mobile app for iPhone. Plastiq is a service that lets you pay bills, including rent, mortgage, etc. by credit card for a small fee. For more about Plastiq, please...
Yesterday morning, I was eating breakfast when my iPhone started bleeping. Shawn had just published a Frequent Miler Quick Deal: Targeted Amex Offer – $25 off $100+ at Awesome! I ran over to...
Most people's lives are hectic enough without having to remember what day the credit card bill is due. For credit card churners who might be juggling 5 or 6 active cards in their wallet at...
Update: This post includes offers that were valid at the time of publication, but have since expired. Please click here to see the best offers currently available.
The Citi Forward card currently offers 5X Citi ThankYou points per...
A number of things are happening with Citi signup bonuses all at around the same time: offers disappearing, new signup rules, and new card designs. What does it all mean? Let’s review…
Citi moves from...
Late last week, my wife and I received thin letters from Chase. Both were application denials that listed the reason as “Too many requests for credit or opened accounts with us”. My wife’s denial...
In the recent post, “How to play the Alaska / Virgin America deal,” I argued that the impending Alaska Airlines / Virgin America merger would lead to a conversion of Virgin Elevate points to...