Skating through Improv Travel with Nick #StayCaytoFarAway


After Greg’s phenomenal entry to StayCay to FarAway yesterday, I spent the entire afternoon and much of the evening setting up an elaborate array of props, planning an intro and outro and ready to work in several specific things during my three minutes of air time. However, ever the deft competitor, Greg set me up: I never had the chance to use half the props I had at the ready thanks to a slick move he made with his slide show.

a table with objects on it
Much of this table (and additional props I had stationed around me) never had a chance to make it into the video.

Last week, I dished out the first entry to StayCay to Far Away with my Destination Cooking video (Homemade pasta with orange cream sauce). When my video posted, Greg let me know that he loved it. We had set out to make our videos about three minutes long (that’s approximately the average person’s tolerance for a Youtube video). I had failed at that, with my lead-off video running 5:28. Greg let me know what while he loved the video, he had noticed the length:

a screenshot of a social media post

For those who did not follow last year’s 40K to Far Away Challenge, Greg is referencing the fact that in last year’s challenge, which was to spend 40K miles and $400 to get as far away as possible, I messed up and totally busted the budget. Some, including the man formerly known as The Devil’s Advocate, have hurled harsh words over my heretical blunder:

Unsurprisingly, I offer the naysayers an alternative perspective:

This time around, I took our 3-minute marker as a loose guideline rather than a firm line in the sand, so I took some liberty with the length. Thanks to your thumbs up, I figured I was in the clear and my slight loquaciousness in Week 1 had been excused.

However, Greg made sure not to let me off that easily. He shrewdly punished my transgression on the first video by making sure that my second video would be short enough to ensure that I wouldn’t steal much more than what should have been my 6-minute share of your screen time allowance over these past two weeks. Alas, I was left with a table full of props that I was unable to work into the story when the ending hit me faster than I expected. I was particularly bummed about my inability to tell you the story of how my hotel lounge had a build-your-own-English-breakfast-donut-burger-bar. Sorry, Stephen, I guess your invention wasn’t meant to catch on.

a hand holding a stack of plastic objects
I had improved upon this invention by taking it back for America when I added a slice of cheese.

At least I had a chance to put Carrie’s bonus life hack into action.

And if you missed the video at the top of the post, here it is again: Improv Travel with Nick:

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Jan W

Paybacks. They’re hell. 🙂


How long is the footage provided by Greg? Maybe you can file an appeal. ^_^
The video itself is good, but maybe rearranged where you placed the props. Your wife’s head shot appeared for the first time in the video puzzled me and I was wondering what happened to Greg’s slide show.


Greg cheated (owner) the first time u cheated (baby) the second time now This. Did u eat everything u cooked last week? I think the others will do a better job or let’s hope they do.
A $14 scale does wonders Been there.


Go back to your cave and stay there.


I’m thank you just till they get a vaccine, then it’s travel time.
#stayingincave LOL