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In search of the next big thing

Now that most of the "5X Everywhere" techniques are dead or on the ropes, what's next?  What went before For some, the excitement began last April when I published "Almost too good to...

Bangkok Bound: First Class Value

Today, I wrap up my trip to and from Bangkok with a look at the value I received for my miles… In the post "Bangkok Bound" I explained that my Bangkok trip was an excuse...

Bangkok Bound: Don’t Fly Singapore Suites

Join me as I travel in style to Bangkok and back. I arrived home this morning.  My return flight from Bangkok began with a short trip to Hong Kong on Thai Airways, followed by...

Bangkok Bound: Point-less luxury at the Renaissance

Join me as I travel in style to Bangkok and back. Usually, the travel hacking game goes like this: 1) Get lots of miles & points as cheaply as possible; and 2) Spend miles...

Bangkok Bound: My dangerous decision

Join me as I travel in style to Bangkok and back. By the time I realized I had made the wrong decision, it was too late.  All I could then do was pray for...

Office Depot discontinues $500 Visa/Amex cards

Reports have been pouring in from readers saying that their local Office Depot stores have discontinued selling Visa and American Express cards that were loadable up to $500.  Mommy Points reported the same, as...

Bangkok Bound: Thai 1st class, and my uh-oh moment

Join me as I travel in style to Bangkok and back. You know that moment when you first realize that something has gone very, very wrong, and it feels as if your heart has...

Bangkok Bound: View from the Loo

Join me as I travel in style to Bangkok and back.  Greetings from Lufthansa's first class lounge in Frankfurt! I stumbled off the plane at about 8:30 this morning Frankfurt time.  Unlike my iPhone which...

Ultimate Rewards Mall, Feb 2013 Edition

Another dull month in the Ultimate Rewards Mall…  Every month, the Ultimate Rewards Mall has new month-long specials. Last month, I wrote about the January specials in the post “Ultimate Rewards Mall Jan...

Bangkok Bound: Lufthansa

Join me as I travel in style to Bangkok and back. Greetings from Frankfurt!  Time zone wise, I'm now half way to Bangkok. I flew out last night from Detroit on Lufthansa's A330-300. This...

This, that, and the other thing

Bangkok My trip to Bangkok is about to begin!  That is, it will if the jet can fly out of the horrid weather we're experiencing today in the Detroit area.  I don't plan to write...

Delta SkyMiles: Value from domestic flights

Delta SkyMiles are often referred to as "Sky Pesos" because low level (AKA saver level) awards are rarely available.  Delta advertises being able to book round trip domestic flights for 25,000 miles, but in...

The best portal finders get better

I write often about ways to use online shopping portals to earn extra points or cash back.  The basic idea is that when you plan to buy something online, you can earn extra points...

Million Mile Madness: Preparing to buy & sell

Background: Early in January, I introduced the idea of challenging myself (and anyone foolish enough to join me) to earn a million points in one month.  So, starting March 1, I’ll do everything I...

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